Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Capitan Héctor Bonzo's Conference

Following the link below, a conference given by Capitan Héctor Bonzo on April 2008. Capitan Bonzo was the last one to abandon the cruiser when it was sunk on May 2, 1982 by HMS Conqueror in the Malvinas War. 

Monday, June 11, 2012

323 Names, 323 Heroes.

These are the heroes who gave their lives on that dreadful Sunday of May, 1982
 (Estos son los héroes que dieron su vida en aquel terrible domingo de 1982) 

 The letters preceding the names indicate the rank of the crewmen.
 (Las letras que preceden los nombres indican el rango de los tripulantes) 

 ¿What is particular about the Ávila's Brothers: Heriberto and Leopoldo?
(¿Cúal es la particularidad de los hermanos Ávila: Heriberto y Leopoldo?)

Visit this link:

Infography or Argentine and British Forces before the Sinking of the Belgrano Cruiser

ARA Belgrano Cruiser